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Floral Art
Flowers speak of hope, love and friendship. Flowers also express longing. I paint most flower paintings during the long dark grey and foggy winter months. I love the summer and warmth and this longing for a different season gets expressed in these paintings.

Viola, 2019
Original Oil Painting. I was sitting outside on a step in my garden a few years ago. It was a warm summer’s evening and my attention was drawn to the wild-seeded violas that had started to turn and lose their petals. I usually look at them for the purpose of staying on top of dead-heading. But this one captured my attention for completely different reasons. The petals were no longer at their best but in a way seemed more at ease with each other now. They were showing their true colours. The seeds were displayed like little golden pearls, ready for the taking. This flower was clearly showing off. So I rose to the challenge, took a quick photo and promised myself to paint it one day. That day finally arrived in 2019. Whilst painting I was reflecting on the “just past it’s best” stage of the flower and how that had drawn me to her; when she was at what would traditionally be considered her best, I overlooked her.

Asiatic Lily, 2020
Strong coloured oil painting of asiatic lily. I was in the flow painting flowers early on in 2020. Lilies are some of my favourites. My name means lily and so I’ve always had a soft spot for them. This particular type of lily caught my attention one day as I was looking at flowers for the my garden. I never bought the plant but I did paint it. I love the vibrancy of the colours. How can two colours put next to each other create such a statement? And yet they do, which is what I tried to capture in this painting.

Croci, 2020
Original Oil Painting. I painted a few spring flowers early on in 2020 clearly longing for warmer and longer days. Croci are one of the first spring bulbs to push through the grey and foggy winter mornings. For me, they are messengers of hope declaring that spring is just around the corner.
I love the contrast of the dark background and the vibrancy of the purples. Spring is here, new life is possible.
I love the contrast of the dark background and the vibrancy of the purples. Spring is here, new life is possible.

Tulips, 2020
Oil Painting. This was my first painting of 2020. I always struggle with the long grey and wet winters here in the UK, but this winter was particularly bad as I’d had an accident that made movement painful. I’d been waiting for spring for what had felt like forever. And there it was: the inspiration to paint spring into my home, rather than wait for it until it appeared outside.
I love the pink colour palette that I’ve been working from in this painting, they are some of my favourite colours and paints. I have quite a bit of pink in my wardrobe. Working with these two main colours, the greens and pinks, brings such vibrancy and life into the room.
I love the pink colour palette that I’ve been working from in this painting, they are some of my favourite colours and paints. I have quite a bit of pink in my wardrobe. Working with these two main colours, the greens and pinks, brings such vibrancy and life into the room.

Centaurea in Blue & Purple Vase, 2019
Original Oil Painting. This is a collection of three paintings of flowers in vases which I worked on in 2019. I spotted a few of the vases in flowers and so put the three of them together. They can be hung on their own or together. If all three are together, they can be next to each other horizontally or vertically which I discovered after painting them.
I love the contrast of the strong colours of the vase compared to the gentle, almost fragile nature of the flowers with some clearly having died already. The bold blue and purple in contrast to the gentle pink of the flower. Together it works well, the flowers get strength from the vase, they get held in position there; the vase would be empty and without purpose without flowers. No competition, simply complementation. Each brings out the best in the other.
I love the contrast of the strong colours of the vase compared to the gentle, almost fragile nature of the flowers with some clearly having died already. The bold blue and purple in contrast to the gentle pink of the flower. Together it works well, the flowers get strength from the vase, they get held in position there; the vase would be empty and without purpose without flowers. No competition, simply complementation. Each brings out the best in the other.

Bluebells in a Vase, 2019
Original Oil Painting. I live near a nature reserve which has bluebells. Many years I forget about them and remember at the wrong time. But every so often, I’m right on time. I promise I didn’t pick them, they don’t do well in a vase in water, but I did enjoy painting them from a photo.
This is a collection of three paintings of flowers in vases which I worked on in 2019. I spotted a few of the vases in flowers and so put the three of them together. They can be hung on their own or together. If all three are together, they can be next to each other horizontally or vertically which I discovered after painting them.
This is a collection of three paintings of flowers in vases which I worked on in 2019. I spotted a few of the vases in flowers and so put the three of them together. They can be hung on their own or together. If all three are together, they can be next to each other horizontally or vertically which I discovered after painting them.

Three Blossoms in a Glass Vase, 2019
This could be any kind of blossom; to be honest, I don’t know which one it is. But I love the colours. Blossoms on branches remind me of my childhood where I had access to lots of fruit trees throughout the summer and autumn. Often we would harvest the fruit, preserve it, make jams and compotes. But at spring time the colours of the blossoms were so intense, the scent in the air so strong, everyone knew spring was finally here to stay.
This is the third painting in a collection of three paintings of flowers in vases which I worked on in 2019. I spotted a few of the vases in flowers and so put the three of them together. They can be hung on their own or together.
This is the third painting in a collection of three paintings of flowers in vases which I worked on in 2019. I spotted a few of the vases in flowers and so put the three of them together. They can be hung on their own or together.
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